Generation Project
Everyone has heard the phrase "Boomers are stubborn". We've seen countless memes about their attitudes, technological illiteracy, and extreme political ideologies. (Look at this compilation of tweets created by Kylin at Pupperish if you're looking for a laugh, 35 Things That Are Classic Baby Boomer Stereotypes). Despite the merited comedy associated with this generation, many people don't understand why the members are like this. For this project, we dove deeper to discover what caused their beliefs, how they were raised, and the accuracy of associated stereotypes. Focusing on the historical aspect of their lives and the popular culture of their time period we're able to gain insight into what really defines the baby boomers.
Generational Portrait
Characterized by its hard work ethic and value for family. They took all aspects of life very seriously.
This generation was born with their parents setting the expectations that they would live a good life.
Nationalism was major.
Progressive because of policies implemented in 60s as result of cultural shift/change
They grew up rebellious as noted in the change in music and style.
Overall the baby boomer generation hold beliefs valuing family and patriotism, their youth was full of progressiveness because of the reform aftermath of WWII. Members have a strong work ethic and slight entitlement due to most being born into a prosperous period for The U.S.; their parents were hopeful for the future and instilled that belief into them. The reason why the baby boomers often believe that "kids complain too much these days" when speaking about the cultural difference in career entities is because of the difference in economies. The researchers from in2013dollars confirm that "$.50 in 1960 has the same "purchasing power" or "buying power" as $5.00 in 2022" (1960 Inflation Calculator). This economical difference is the main culprit for many stereotypes, especially the one that deems them "spoiled".
1960 Inflation calculator graph by in2013dollars
As noted previously, historical worldwide events are defining factors for a generation because they affect the world during developmental years of childhood. These events are the "cause" as characteristics of the generation become the "effect". My research partner provides an agreeing example and claims "Many historians believe that the baby boomer occurrence was due to a variety of reasons some of which include: many wanting to start families at this time due to having put them off through the depression and war, and a reassuring sense of confidence," (Chen, Focus Years I). My other research partner concludes the same concept explaining "These major events still impact people today," (Phillips, Historical context). Many hours of research on historical events were conducted for this project and years were divided to allow for true in-depth conclusions.
These artifacts are relics of history that are able to give glimpses of the time period. Its important to be able to see what influenced ideologies through media as it gives insight to the trends, advancement, and mindset of that generation.
There is a general comprehension of the historical time period but you can notice a trend of progressiveness and turning points when viewing a full list of events. View our original timeline here
From this project, I learned why there is such a division between my generation and the baby boomers. I learned about the culture of America after WWII and how it affected the people born right after. I also learned many technical things such as how to verify sources, how to conduct research on a wide topic, and how to cite resources using MLA format.
Watch our Presentation on this project above^
Works Cited
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